FIRSTCARE CLINIC and AMBULANCE SERVICE| Mobile Professional Emergency Care Service

Trip of Life Saving: FCAS| First to respond| Care in handling| Accurate in assessment and threatment| Save life from threatening| Melayani : Stanby ambulance 24 jam, Stanby medical ceck up, Rujukan, Stanby Event Music, Olah raga dll. Hot line : 031-841 9111 | WA : 082257466474 |Order [082257466474]

FIRSTCARE CLINIC and AMBULANCE SERVICE| Mobile Professional Emergency Care Service

Trip of Life Saving: FCAS| First to respond| Care in handling| Accurate in assessment and threatment| Save life from threatening| Melayani : Stanby ambulance 24 jam, Stanby medical ceck up, Rujukan, Stanby Event Music, Olah raga dll. Hot line : 031-841 9111 | WA : 082257466474 |Order [082257466474]

FIRSTCARE CLINIC and AMBULANCE SERVICE| Mobile Professional Emergency Care Service

Trip of Life Saving: FCAS| First to respond| Care in handling| Accurate in assessment and threatment| Save life from threatening| Melayani : Stanby ambulance 24 jam, Stanby medical ceck up, Rujukan, Stanby Event Music, Olah raga dll. Hot line : 031-841 9111 | WA : 082257466474 |Order [082257466474]

FIRSTCARE CLINIC and AMBULANCE SERVICE| Mobile Professional Emergency Care Service

Trip of Life Saving: FCAS| First to respond| Care in handling| Accurate in assessment and threatment| Save life from threatening| Melayani : Stanby ambulance 24 jam, Stanby medical ceck up, Rujukan, Stanby Event Music, Olah raga dll. Hot line : 031-841 9111 | WA : 082257466474 |Order [082257466474]

FIRSTCARE CLINIC and AMBULANCE SERVICE| Mobile Professional Emergency Care Service

Trip of Life Saving: FCAS| First to respond| Care in handling| Accurate in assessment and threatment| Save life from threatening| Melayani : Stanby ambulance 24 jam, Stanby medical ceck up, Rujukan, Stanby Event Music, Olah raga dll. Hot line : 031-841 9111 | WA : 082257466474 |Order [082257466474]

Jumat, 22 April 2016

Tips Menelpon Ambulance Gawat Darurat

Jika anda sedang dalam kondisi di lingkungan yang membutuhkan penanganan Gawat Darurat, Maka yang harus anda lakukan adalah sesegera mungking menghubungi Layanan Gawat Darurat, dan Segera memanggil Ambulance Gawat Darurat.

INI beberapa tips jika agan2 membutuhkan ambulance disaat saat genting

1. Jangan Panik

2. Kenali kondisi pasien/ korban Dan minta pertolongan orang-orang terdekat.

3. Hubungi layanan Gawat Darurat, First care Ambulance Service 031-8419111 Mobile : 082257466474

4. Pastikan kondisi sekitar aman Dan lakukan pertolongan pertama atau mintalah petunjuk kepada layanan Ambulance tentang hal-hal yang perlu dilakukan saat ITU.

5. Pada saat memanggil, hal berikut yang perlu anda siapkan:
- Apakah pasien Sadar/ atau tidak, bernapas/ tidak, ada atau tidal denyut nadinya, DST
- Alamat lengkap Dan kemana pasien akan dibawa
- Tanyaan estimasi biaya yang akan timbul
- Selama menuggu ambulance satang mintalah petunjuk APA yang perlu dilakukan kepada pasien
- Jika bukan kasus emergency says sarankan until mendaftar ke layanan Rawat Inap

Thank you,,
semoga sehat selalu

Senin, 24 November 2014


Where and when any person or group of people can be Victims in an emergency event. Without denying the victim can suffer serious injury, physical disability, and even death. Reviews These events can override friends, relatives and even our colleagues or people WHO did not previously known to us.
In Indonesia ANC services - hospital ( pre-hospital care ) performed by nurses. Most of the ambulance services in Indonesia is a hospital-based ambulance where ambulance service operations is entirely dependent on funding and resources owned by a hospital in question. While the crew of the most common is the nurses, drivers, as well as radio communication operators. M elibatkan a doctor if it is only Necessary to meet NAMAs action Essentially competence. 
For comparison, in developed countries the function of nurses in the pre - hospital more common in some areas with limited infrastructure EMS. Some European countries Reviews such as France and Italy, the which does not Recognize the presence of paramedics, nurses Also put to perform rescue at the level of the Advanced Life Support. The nurses are working on the direct supervision of a physician or independent on the particular case.
Definition of an emergency medical service Clearly that is not accidental events. Generally Occurs Suddenly and if not Immediately get help, not least that can result in death. People who deal with Victims of accidents are Generally WHO medical workers are not always located at the scene. Often had to wait Several hours for the arrival of medical personnel.

Then refer to some of the things Mentioned above, our team of medical evacuation and transportation FIRST CARE CLINIC AND AMBULANCE SERVICE consisting of an emergency ambulance with all paramedics are trained and certified WHO in emergency medical service can provide first aid to the victim with a fast, accurate, safe, and coordinated while performing the procedure referral to relevant health facilities in accordance with the emergency conditions that occurred at that time.

With the Efforts and expertise in emergency conditions that are owned by our paramedic team, we expected to help provide services with a high enough standard to masyar a blessing, so as death and disability due to reduced emergency room visits afford.

Serving: Stanby 24 hour ambulance, medical Stanby ceck up, referral hospitals and abroad, Stanby Event Music, Sports etc.

Hot line: 031-841 9111

Mobile :  082257466474

Selasa, 18 November 2014

First Care Clinic and Ambulance Service/ FCAS

First Care Clinic and Ambulance Service merupakan fasilitas kesehatan yang memiliki gedung klinik pengobatan dan unit ambulance yang dengan kru yang berkompeten dan terlatih dalam menangani kejadian gawat darurat yang terdiri dari dokter dan perawat yang siap melayani 24 jam. 

Berikut profil kami:

Nama                          : First Care Clinic and Ambulance Service.
Alamat                        : Jl. Rungkut Industri III no. 52 Surabaya, Indonesia.
Hotline                        : 031-8419111
Mobile                         : 082257466474
Website                       :


Visi dari First Care Clinic and Ambulance Service adalah:
“Menjadi penyedia layanan kesehatan yang terdepan dalam memberikan jasa pelayanan dan pelatihan kesehatan terpadu dalam dan luar negeri”.


Misi dari First Care Clinic and Ambulance Service adalah:

1.      Memberikanpelayanankesehatan yang cepat, tepat dan aman sesuai dengan  kondisi pasien termasuk didalamnya fase pra rumah sakit dan rujukan.
2.      Mengutamakan profesionalisme di dalam setiap aktivitas pelayanan kesehatan  sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku.
3.      Melahirkan tenaga paramedis yang terampil, efisien dan kompeten dalam  memberikan pelayanan kesehatan.
4.      Mengedukasi masyarakat umum khususnya tentang pentingnya layanan gawat  darurat dan kesehatan pada umumnya.